Drawn to the power of Ember as a cornerstone of his magical art, the Alchemist came to Torchlight for his own ends. Being the largest cache of Ember ever found, the temptation may lead the Alchemist never being able to break free of its influence and ultimately to his downfall. The power of Ember is beyond imagining, but the price is very high.
By channeling the power of Ember, the Alchemist is able to dispatch enemies from afar as well as summon minions to his aid.
錬金術の力の源"エンバー"を求めトーチライトに辿り着いたアルケミスト。 現在発見されている最大のエンバー鉱脈。誘惑は抗いようもなく彼を破滅へと導く。 "エンバー"の力は計り知れない。対価もまた然り。